Easy Tiger Parent System™

Hello, and welcome to my blog on Liberating Parents and Giving Children Back Their Parents.

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Thank You

Jennifer McLeod

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

Born To Win!: Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs

24 June 2010

Remember I shared with you just few weeks ago that I have 3 parents on one
of my current Easy Tiger Parents Programmes whose children are hitting them.
Well, now that the parents have been given the tools to manage themselves
generally as an individual in their own right, as a partner and as a parent,
it is now time to focus on the children's behaviour. We will spend the whole
session next week dealing with this but only from a position of giving the
parents the tools to manage THEMSELVES within the situation and tools for
them to support their children to learn to communicate their wishes and
feelings without lashing out. I believe that children's behaviour is simply
a form of communication that something is wrong! Notice that the focus is
always on the parents to MANAGE the situation to affect CHANGE!

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