Easy Tiger Parent System™

Hello, and welcome to my blog on Liberating Parents and Giving Children Back Their Parents.

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Thank You

Jennifer McLeod

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

Born To Win!: Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs

9 September 2010

I'm increasingly being asked to attend child protection case conference
meetings or to provide reports for Social Workers because of the work I do
with parents as part of my Easy Tiger Parents SystemT. This is something
that I am not prepared to do as it jeopardizes my work with parents and my
ability to remain impartial and independent so that the parents get the best
of me and from my programmes. As a professional, I am obliged to report any
child protection issues that I may come across as part of my work. I
wouldn't hesitate to do that as ultimately I want the best for all children!
And parents are aware that this is standard practice; child protection case
conferences - NO!

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