Easy Tiger Parent System™

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Jennifer McLeod

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

Born To Win!: Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs

5 May 2008

Elizabeth Fritzl

Most people will have heard by now about Elizabeth Fritzl who was drugged, kidnapped and repeatedly raped by her father Josef Fritzl 24 years ago at the age of 18.

It is hard to imagine what Elizabeth must have been going through over those years and what kept her alive under such intolerable conditions in a cellar, with three of seven children fathered by her own father.

It is also very hard to believe that no one saw Josef Fritzl taking all kinds of things into his garage which must have seemed strange.

As someone that works with parents and young people, this is another example of how diverse, challenging and complicated situations can be within a family environment. This story again, is another example of how widespread sexual abuse and incest is across the world. It does not differentiate between colour, creed, gender, race or religion.

As challenging times lay ahead for the whole family, let's hope that they are given the best support available.

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With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod

Born To Win! book series http://www.amazon.co.uk/, http://www.authorhouse.co.uk/, and Ebook http://www.lulu.com/

Creator of Easy Tiger Parents System(tm)
Creator of Born To Win! Programme for Young People(tm)
+44 (0) 121 551 1668


The said...

You said, "Let's hope" for the best for the family. I agree. I wish them opportunity to be together and to learn to laugh and be content, and mostly to get a proper, pleasant religious education. I hope the grandmother and the "upstairs" three will enjoy supporting the "downstairs" part of the family.

Anonymous said...

this went on a woman's best years of her life--just like an old rag her own father said he'd been thinking of letting her out. what about their sick daughter kristin? WAS SHE ABUSED as well.MAY GOD HAVE MERCY.