Easy Tiger Parent System™

Hello, and welcome to my blog on Liberating Parents and Giving Children Back Their Parents.

Please feel free to comment and share opinions. Alternatively contact me directly using the details on my contact page.

Or, Go over to our Website www.easytigerparentsystem.com

Thank You

Jennifer McLeod

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

Born To Win!: Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs

30 April 2010

Meeting this morning to discuss arrangements for a Health Day in June 2010
in West Bromwich, West Midlands

29 April 2010

We all want to belong. If parents are not emotionally available, children
will attach themselves to the next best person. If this fails, they will
attach to a stranger showing signs of meeting this need.
'Have you ever wondered why you are expected to do the impossible, achieve
the unattainable or overcome the insurmountable? Very simply because you
can! Unfortunately we are not always aware of how magnificent we are' Iyanla

28 April 2010

'The more that we can give young people opportunities to meet with and
observe at first hand, how sensitive, caring parents treat their offspring,
the more likely they are to follow suit' John Bowlby
'Children who develop a secure attachment to mother are those who, during
early infancy, are held longest in a tender and loving way' Ainsworth

27 April 2010

Last few places left Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course. Book Now

Do you wonder why and what drives young CHILDREN to kill? More on this
coming real soon!
I have updated my self harm blog www.stepup-international.co.uk

26 April 2010

Do you let fear stop you in your tracks? http://tinyurl.com/kojutv
I trust all those celebrating Vasaiki yesterday had a fabulous day!
Good morning to you all and a special good morning to all my contacts

24 April 2010

Get the winning formula here http://tinyurl.com/kojutv
Few places left on Psychology of Self Harm Training Course


21 April 2010

Britney spears denies self harming
Still thousands of children stranded abroad due to restrictions on flights.
Bet their happy taking extra days off school & parents not!
Had visit to dentist this afternoon. Now the pain really begins!
I have got a fantastic FULL PAGE editorial in The Voice weekly newspaper
regarding self harm. Well pleased with it! Check it out

20 April 2010

Just been told that I am in The Voice newspaper this week. Haven't seen the
article yet. Let me know if you see the article and what you think
I wonder which UK political party will win or come up trumps for families
and children?
Had a good work out in my make-shift gym in my garage this morning at
06.15am. feeling energized!

19 April 2010

Still places left on Psychology of Self Harm course
Book now to secure your place

16 April 2010

Divorced? Daily Mail writer needs your help www.jennifermcleod.oc.uk

Request from a Daily Mail newspaper writer - needs your help

below is a request from a Daily Mail newspaper writer. Can anyone help with this? Please let me know and i will get you connected. thanks

"I am a feature writer at the Daily Mail and have a very tall order for an article I am researching. I wondered if you might know anyone who would be suitable and willing to speak to me. I am looking for a woman who has been divorced twice, leaving her raising two children with different fathers. We would like her to talk about about the practicalities of arranging two sets of access visits, the complicated Christmases and the awkward questions in the playground. We can obscure children's identities, but the subject would need to be named and photographed. If it helps - I can offer the interviewee �300 and a professional photoshoot, with make-over (if she likes that sort of thing!). I know it's a very specific request, but any help or pointers you can offer would be gratefully received."

Have you been LiBERATED yet?


With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod

Born To Win! book Series:

Born To Win! Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today. Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/6lf3gj

Born To Win! Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs. Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/6x6u9t

Born To Win! Success Strategies - EBOOK. Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/66hovs

Creator of Easy Tiger Parents System™
Creator of Born To Win! Programme for Young People™

E: parent@jennifermcleod.co.uk
E: youngpeople@jennifermcleod.co.uk
+44 (0) 121 551 1668

14 April 2010

I just updated my blog www.stepup-international.co.uk
Thanks Marry for your kind words and encouragement. Will do
You're not a failure if you don't make it. You're a success because you
tried! Anon
Your playing small does not serve the world! Marianne Williamson

13 April 2010

Communication with Your Elementary Age Child by
Denis Waitley
"Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you
become." Jim Rohn