Easy Tiger Parent System™

Hello, and welcome to my blog on Liberating Parents and Giving Children Back Their Parents.

Please feel free to comment and share opinions. Alternatively contact me directly using the details on my contact page.

Or, Go over to our Website www.easytigerparentsystem.com

Thank You

Jennifer McLeod

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

Born To Win!: Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs

31 May 2010

'When the door is closed, you must learn to slide across the crack of the
sill.' Yoruba Proverb

29 May 2010

Self harm training here

28 May 2010

Signing certificates for delegates who attended last weeks Psychology of
Self Harm & Behaviour Course in Birmingham. Look forward to signing
certificates for more future delegates for our 26 November 2010 Course in
Just having Certificates printed for delegates of The Psychology of Self
Harm & Behaviour Course that took place last week in Birmingham
Gearing up for evaluation of my Easy Tiger Parents SystemT by Parenting
Academy. Lots of work to do amidst the upcoming training events and new
marketing initiatives. hhmmm
'If we never faced adversity, our well-being would not be as sweet.' Terry

27 May 2010

2 more tickets sold today for the Step Up! To Your Confidence Course. Have
you bought your ticket yet?
My eldest son is learning about stocks and shares. Look forward to him
teaching me
What do your children say about you?
One thing that my eldest son said about me this morning is 'mum you always
have a pen at the ready!'
National Family week - UK is next week, to encourage more families to spend
more quality time together www.nationalfamilyweek.co.uk/ . What will you be
doing as a family?
'We don't have to be at the bottom. We were born to be at the top.' The
Thunder Brothers

26 May 2010

Have you taken advantage yet of our recession buster prices for the Step Up!
To Your Confidence Course? If not, take advantage here:

Evaluation request of my Easy Tiger Parents Programme by the Parenting
Academy- UK. All hands on deck needed amidst the range of other activities
going on at the moment
Getting more focused on my marketing activities
In Leicester again today, all day. This time for the Financial Awareness
Course for Young People
Time for me to move and step into more of my limitlessness. How about you?

25 May 2010

Session 2 this week of my other Easy Tiger Parents Programme running in
Starting a new Easy Tiger Parents Programme today
Do people speak well of you? Do people seek you out to obtain what you have?
Do you deal with people honestly? Are you a person of your word? Your
reputation is your wealth. Your work is part of your reputation. If you want
to pile up riches, give your best to what you do.

21 May 2010

'All you have to do to receive your divine inheritance is to change your old
way of thinking' John Randolph Price

20 May 2010

Develop or regain your self confidence here

Employers give greater consideration to employees who take on home study
courses, on the basis that anyone giving up part of their spare time to
study at home shows leadership qualities. Napoleon Hill
'Symptoms of the fear of loss of love: jealousy, fault finding, gambling.'
Napoleon Hill
Take part in my Self confidence poll here www.jennifermcleod.co.uk
Good morning all

19 May 2010

I have just updated my blog www.jennifermcleod.co.uk

How Confident Are You?

How Confident are You?

It's amazing how many parents that we work with who share with us that they wish that they were more confident to support, manage and discipline their children. They have confidence interval where their self confidence supports them and other times it clearly fails them.

Self confidence building is not just for parents but for everyone to feel good about themselves. Not all of us know how to have confidence and some of us need support with confidence building, but that's ok, providing we ask for the help that we need.

Many parents are struggling without sufficient support, and in some cases it's about them learning to ask for help and also about them taking that 'risk' to ask for the help especially if they fear rejection.

Take the plunge towards building self confidence today. Generally things are not as bad as we fear they might be.

Good luck on your journey :-)

Have you been LiBERATED yet?

With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod


Born To Win! book Series: Born To Win! Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today. Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/6lf3gj
Born To Win! Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs. Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/6x6u9t
Born To Win! Success Strategies - EBOOK. Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/66hovs

Creator of Easy Tiger Parents System™
Creator of Born To Win! Programme for Young People™
E: parent@jennifermcleod.co.uk
http://www.stepup-international.co.uk/ +44 (0) 121 551 1668
Step Up! To Your Confidence Course is selling like hot cakes! Not reserved
your ticket yet? If not, reserve your place here

The most important thing is that they have left the course with a range of
tools and solutions to solve their own situations and most importantly, to
be able to assist young people more effectively
One thing that is even more apparent from running The Psychology of Self
Harm & Behaviour Courses is that agencies who are supposed to be working
together for the benefit of the young person, are not always 'working'
together and not communicating as effectively as they could and so
unfortunately the young person is left to struggle by themselves to deal
with their self harming or other challenges that they might be dealing with.

17 May 2010

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
'If you want to know what your thoughts were like yesterday, then check how
your body feels today.' Indian proverb
Last day of preparation for my 2 day Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour
Course tomorrow in Birmingham, UK www.stepup-international.eventbrite.com
'The emotion of sex is a virtue only when used intelligently, and with
discrimination. It may be misused, and often is, to such an extent that it
debases, instead of enriches, both mind and body' Napoleon Hill
Happiness is found in doing; not merely n possessing!

16 May 2010

Please take part in my 'Self Confidence' Poll www.jennifermcleod.co.uk
Have a confidence building and self confidence
building day today!
Needing some confidence and self confidence today?

14 May 2010

Today is the last opportunity to book a place on The Psychology of Self Harm
& Behaviour Course www.stepup-international.eventbrite.com
Have you considered what would cause someone to contemplate suicide and self
harm? Some people may think programs for troubled teens self harm, self harm
awareness is for everyone. Of 142,000 hospital admittances for self harm,
only 19,000 were teens and young people. Celebrities who self harm do not
help the situation
'I think adults who self-injure need to be acknowledged. Focusing on teens
takes away the importance of self-injury in older adults.' Flut
Some teenagers pressures: peer pressure and acceptance; strive for
independence; sexual expressions and when; sexuality
Have a great uplifting day!
The law of correspondence suggests that you will attract to you that which
you are. The law is activated by your dominated thought patterns. The
purpose of the law is to show you where you are in your consciousness and to
give you the opportunity to lift yourself to where you want to be.

13 May 2010

'God's goal is for you to be the best you can be with what you have been
given and to share what you do with the world'. Iyanla Vanzant
Published my 'Step Up! To Your Confidence Course' yesterday and the first
sale came in yesterday. Great stuff! Find out more

One parent on the Easy Tiger Parents Programme has an imminent major
upheaval and still left with a smile and her head held high! Sometimes I am
amazed how some women do what they do!!
I had Session 1 of one of my new Easy Tiger Parents Programme on Tuesday.
Great to see parents leaving the programme more liberated than when they
arrived! And with smiles on their faces
Do you meditate? Nothing like going into the silence for peace and a sense
of balance. I feel set up for the day when I do this; and it can be for just
a few minutes at a time
My son took part in a local schools athletics competition yesterday and came
1st (first) in Discus and 3rd (third) in Javelin. And he was so modest about
it as well.
Nothing like a brisk walk at 06.00am to wake you up! Feel so much more
energized when I walk first thing in the morning, or other exercises
Just 2 more working days until my Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course
18 May in Birmingham, UK www.stepup-international.eventbrite.com

12 May 2010

Any Canadians online? Do you have any contacts with Canadians?
Are you a Parent, Coach, Parent Practitioner, Mentor?

I've just posted my Step Up! To Your Confidence Course 25 June 2010

It's not just young people that self harm. Adults and young children also
self harm
How to develop persistence: 1. have a definite purpose backed by a burning
desire for its fulfillment. 2. a definite plan and continuous action. 3.
block out all negative and discouraging influences, including negative
suggestions from friends, family and acquaintances. 4. develop an alliance
with others who will encourage you to follow through with your plan and
purpose. Napoleon Hill

11 May 2010

The only 'break' anyone can afford to rely on is a self-made 'break'. These
come through the application of persistence. The starting point is
definiteness of purpose. - Napoleon Hill
Week 1 of my Easy Tiger Parents Programme starts today

10 May 2010

Kick off a new Easy Tiger Parents Programme tomorrow for an existing client
The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course taking place in 7 days
Be the winner you were born to be! http://tinyurl.com/kojutv

8 May 2010

One parent go 2 jobs in 7 months; is very very happy and is now in her dream
job and career of choice!
Even with the recession as bad as it is, parents leaving my Easy Tiger
Parents Programmes are still getting jobs www.jennifermcleod.co.uk
I get a lot of parents who've completed my Easy Tiger Parents Programmes
tell me that their partner/spouse is really thankful and grateful to me for
the difference that my programme has made to their lives, relationship, and
children's lives. Nothing makes me happier! I am here to serve in the best
way that I can and that is helping parents make a difference to their
I get a lot of parents who've completed my Easy Tiger Parents Programmes
tell me that their partner/spouse is really thankful and grateful to me for
the difference that my programme has made to their lives, relationship, and
children's lives. Nothing makes me happier! I am here to serve in the best
way that I can and that is helping parents make a difference to their
One parent go 2 jobs in 7 months; is very very happy and is now in her dream
job and career of choice!
Even with the recession as bad as it is, parents leaving my Easy Tiger
Parents Programmes are still getting jobs www.jennifermcleod.co.uk

7 May 2010

Great source of info
Fine tuning my calendar of events re parents and self harm. Events are open
to individuals, parents and professionals
Reach your own decisions and follow them. Get facts and info from others if
necessary, without disclosing your purpose
Leaders make decisions quickly and change them slowly
Tell the world what you intend to do but first show it!
We need a party that can provide real help and guidance for our children and
young people
It is said that 22,000,000 votes won't have any bearing on the results in
this general election

6 May 2010

I wonder how many parents have had to make alternative childrcare
arrangements because their child's school was closed for the elections in
the UK?

5 May 2010

Did you know that in the UK 2 women a week are killed by domestic violence?
Equally shared parenting as an enlightening approach to childrearing
Equally Shared Parenting (ESP)? Are your parenting roles shared equally
within your home?

4 May 2010

Good morning to all those feeling inspired and a very good morning to those
in need of some inspiration right now!
I have been dealing with a situation and on 2 separate occasions I got a
page from an inspirational book that confirmed what I needed to do
Isn't it amazing that you always get what you need when you need it?

1 May 2010

One of the parents on Supernanny admitted at the end of the show that
"there's nothing wrong with the children; its us the parents. We need to
work together". Love it! That's exactly what I do! Work with parents as a
point of change and not with the children who, in my opinion are simply
reacting to the environment within which they are in. Fix the environment
and the children will respond accordingly.