Easy Tiger Parent System™

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Jennifer McLeod

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

Born To Win!: Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs

30 August 2010

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23 August 2010

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19 August 2010

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17 August 2010

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13 August 2010

Parenting skills are on the decline in Britain. Find out more

10 August 2010

Parenting Skills on the Decline in Britain

Labour MP Frank Field is lamenting the times when behaving respectably and with dignity were people's first priority. The customs, manners and behaviours of the Victorians are now far from being practised. Strong family structures and the existing influential network of civic institutions (such as church and trade union clubs and working men's clubs) which were widely utilised, helped towards the appropriate dignity and social manners. The reality now is that many urban areas are demonstrating drug and alcohol abuse as well as anti-social behaviour. Education seems to be on the constant decline, teenage pregnancy as well as abuse of social welfare on the rise. The support system, according to Field, has led to 'mass idleness and irresponsibility.' But who is to blame for that? Society on the whole? The government? Parents?

The lack of institutions cannot possibly have led to the decline of the social structure, neither the amount of educational institutions and services and support offered by the government. Yet, the number of single parents and the rate of unemployment have largely increased over the past five decades. Therefore, many wonder whether the government does too much which makes youngsters lose the incentive to work or whether parents have passed on wrong values to their children failing to raise them properly.

The values of family life seem to have collapsed as a majority of children are now born outside marriage. The divorce rates are constantly climbing leaving children in the liability and responsibility of a single mother whilst fathers 'refuse to acknowledge their child-rearing responsibilities and instead adopt a selfish, hedonistic approach in which they look no further than their own instant gratification.' Many seem to lack the ability to determine the outcomes of their spur-of-the-moment decisions, not realising that they influence not only their but also their offspring's future.

Field claims that today about 800,000 families in the UK are the immediate result of inadequate parenting skills. The traditional Victorian family that in similar forms has existed up to the 60s, has been replaced by a lose structure of "liberal" behaviour caused by the lack of proper parental guidance, support and upbringing. Instead of having simple values such as providing for oneself, a number of people nowadays rely on governmental support. The problem therein is that if parents are incapable of bringing across the right values, how will their children in turn be able to provide their own children with the necessary set of principles, morals and characteristics? This whole process is a vicious circle apparent not only in British society but in a number of societies across the globe including developed countries such as the USA, Germany, Canada, etc.

Children, however, are often genuinely interested in what involves being a good parent. Parenting skills should not be taken for granted as something that comes naturally once the baby is born. Field, therefore, suggests the inclusion of a parenting GCSE in order to help children who have not had the advantage of being endowed with a grasping set of skills by their own parents. In turn, they will be able to raise their own children in a better way than they have been brought up themselves. The aim of this GCSE shall show the teenagers how to build positive bonds with their offspring.  

It is left to the reader to determine whether a GCSE qualification in parenting will produce better parents. Clearly, something has to be done and this along with other measures might be the first step towards the improvement of society.


More and more parents struggle with their role as parents. Follow this blog for more information.

4 August 2010

Info on how Gove has contradicted himself? Follow this link

3 August 2010

Michael Gove's Academies Bill

Gove's plan to turn a large number of schools into academies has raised a lot of controversy. The privatisation of schools has many critics. Voices from outside the UK such as by the Swedish education minister Bertil Ostberg warn the local government to adopt the new academy school system. The system which has been implemented both in the USA and Sweden is said to decrease the quality of learning and, according to a report by the University of California, increase the stratification of students by race, class and even language.

Gove explains his latest actions to be the result of the countries continuous decline in the performance of the country's education over the past decade. Part of the reform includes a change in the rules on discipline in order to give teachers greater confidence. The academies shall ensure that all pupils are treated equally during the application process. Turning away from the restrictions of local authorities, the Academies Bill aims to give both schools and teachers more power and independence. The bill gives primary, secondary and special needs schools the chance to apply for academy status which will, as proposed by Gove, give the schools the freedom and flexibility they require to improve their standards.

The new school system, however, leaves parents completely out of the debate. The bill does not mention parents nor their rights at all. On the contrary: schools do not even have to consult parents before converting into academies meaning that parents who do not wish for their children to attend an academy will be forced to find a new school for their offspring. To date, more than 1,500 of the aforementioned schools have registered their interest in becoming academies opining that schools can opt out of the authority of local councils as early as September.

Instead of expanding what is possibly the most successful school model – the grammar school – Gove keeps praising the "free school" system in which not only local authorities but even parents themselves will be less actively engaged and involved in the decision-making of the academies. Therefore, many parents perceive the academy system to be a threat to local education. Once the schools have turned into academies, they become even less accountable to parents. As a matter of fact, academies are only required to have one parent governor, whereas maintained schools are required to have a minimum of three parent governors.

It is no wonder then that many parents are upset with the proposal of academies. Not only do they feel that "free schools" will deepen the split among social classes, but they also fear that their voices will remain unheard when it comes to parental involvement in school matters. Naturally wanting the best for their children, many parents are actively involved in decisions related to schools. The decrease in school governors will lead to a decrease in their authority and give the academies the incentive to act only on their own behalf and interest. Parents, therefore, fear that decrease in involvement will have a negative effect on their children's learning experience.