I have been having one breakthrough after another over the last few years as a way of helping me to get rid of my childhood conditionings and limiting, negative beliefs which have really held me back in my life and literally ran my life. Quite some years ago I felt and knew somehow that I was meant to be successful, however, knew that it wouldn't happen in my then emotional state and fear mode.
I had this urgency to get my regular 'fix' of counselling and do anything, like reading self help books, watch Oprah Winfrey, watch self development videos, to help push me through my pain barriers and negative emotional mindset and conditioning.
My view is that different therapies and development tools work for different people and at different times in their lives. Over the years I would test myself and my growth in different ways, always with a view to moving myself further along my path to having the winning success that I deserve. Self development is one long everlasting journey to having a fulfilling and meaningful life and is definitely not a destination.
My quote sums this up brilliantly: 'Get Yourself Out Of Your Own Way So the REAL YOU can get Going'
One example of how I test myself and keep pushing myself on my journey of freedom, self development and growth and to get out of my own way, is......by breaking an ARROW with my throat! Now my children think that I am mad, even when I explain the concept behind the exercise and what it symbolises. The arrow break itself is a symbol of a breakthrough in any aspect of your life. It is definitely not about brute strength but inner strength, commitment to yourself and giving 100% to the activity and therefore a symbol of 100% commitment to anything else you want to do and achieve in your life.
With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod
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