Easy Tiger Parent System™

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Jennifer McLeod

How Do You Stop Or Deal With Manipulative Parents?

Born To Win!: Success Strategies for Young Businesses and New Entrepreneurs

17 June 2008

How many dormant ‘lizards’ do you have lying around?

How many dormant ‘lizards’ do you have lying around?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results” Einstein

Too often we allow our fears to hold us back believing them to be real and unchangeable. Most often than not, they are really nothing at all like we imagined them to be.

The following example of my eldest son and his friend illustrates this point:

One night whilst on holiday abroad at Easter, my eldest son and his friend believed they spotted a lizard near the hotel. That night they were playing ‘macho’ boys pretending not to be scared, though it was evident that they were. The next morning they went back to check if the lizard was still there. To their surprise it was not a lizard at all, but…… a piece of a branch. There was obvious relief and excitement when they discovered that the ‘lizard’ was not a lizard at all. Had they not gone back to check, they probably would have lived the rest of their lives believing that Spain was a scary place to visit as it had ‘lizards.’

So let me ask you: How many dormant ‘lizards’ do you have lying around? Go back and check your fears again. How real are they now? Do they even look anything like the ‘lizards’ you imagined them to be?

Quick TIP:
For a reality check and to release your ‘lizards’: write down your ‘lizards’ (situation/fear) on a piece of paper and then ask yourself the following:

· How real is this ‘lizard’?
· What else could this ‘lizard’ mean?
· How much longer will I allow this ‘lizard’ to control my actions, my life?
· Is this ‘lizard’ worthy of me?
· What if it were ok to let go of this ‘lizard’ now?

Allow yourself to let go of your ‘lizards’ today. Or will you allow them to cancel the rest of your life?

If you are a parent, on a psychological level, your children pick up on the ‘lizards’ that you are holding onto. Generally they will repeat these same patterns if you continue to hold onto them. Are you happy with your ‘lizards’? Do you really want to hold onto them? Are you happy to transfer them to your children?

(Of course if you really do have giant ‘alligators’ then you need to seek help to get rid of them. Take that action today.)

Good luck and let me know how you got on.


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With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod

Born To Win! Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today. NEW RELEASE!!! Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/6lf3gj

Creator of Easy Tiger Parents System™
Creator of Born To Win! Programme for Young People™

E: parent@jennifermcleod.co.uk
E: youngpeople@jennifermcleod.co.uk
+44 (0) 121 551 1668

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